You can see on this series of VideoTutorials, the main features of STDashboard (best open source based web dashboarding tool, with no licenses and professional support included) and how it works
STDashboard is part of LinceBI Open Analytics solution
0. STDashboard (Dashboard for end users in minutes)
1. STDashboard (LinceBI Open Source BI/BigData Solution)
2. STDashboard (LinceBI Vertical Dashboarding Solution)
3. STDashboard (Cubes, Schemas and Templates Management)
4. STDashboard (Config, PDF Export, Layouts...)
5. STDashboard (Graphs, Measures and Dimensions)
6. STDashboard (drill through, drill up, filters)
7. STDashboard (Fix Panel, filter between panels)
8. STDashboard (Customizations, Graphs and external content)
9. STDashboard (Extra Tools, Zoom, Aggregate Data)
Know more:
Introducing STMonitoring for Pentaho
One of the things more useful when you are running a Pentaho production environment with a lot of users accessing the BI server, using reports, dashbords, olap analysis... is monitor the whole user performance. That´s why we´ve created STMonitoring (included free in all of the projects we help to develop and in some solutions, like LinceBI)....
STReport (Web Reporting Open Source based tool) Video Tutorials
You can see on this series of VideoTutorials, main features of STReport (best open source web reporting tool based, with no licenses and professional support included) and how it works STReport is part of LinceBI Open Analytics solution 1. STReport (creating simple report using rows, groups, filters) 2. STReport (Models, exploring categories and glossary) 3. STReport (Work area, hidden sections, limit results, info options...) 4. STReport...
List of Open Source Business Intelligence tools
Here you can find an updated list of main business intelligence open source tools. If you know any other, don´t hesitate to write us - Talend, including ETL, Data quality and MDM. Versions OS y Enterprise - Pentaho, including Kettle, Mondrian, JFreeReport and Weka. Versions OS y Enterprise - BIRT, for reporting - Seal Report, for reporting - LinceBI, including Kettle, Mondrian, STDashboard, STCard and STPivot - Jasper Reports, including...
STDashboard, a free license way to create Dashboards
The improvements in this version of STDashboard are focused on user interface for panel and dashboard and also some enhancement in performance and close some old bugs. It works with Pentaho and embeded in web applications You can see it in action in this Pentaho Demo Online and as a part of LinceBI suite STDashboard doesn´t requiere anual license, you can manage unlimited users and it´s open source based. STDashboard includes professional...
New features in STDashboard for Pentaho
The improvements in this version of STDashboard are focused on user interface for panel and dashboard and also some enhancement in performance and close some old bugs. It works with Pentaho versions 5, 6 and 7 You can see it in action in this Pentaho Demo Online About UI improvements: - New set of predefined dashboard templates. We have designed a new way to manage dashboard panels that allow you to shape the dashboard in almost any...
Create Dashboards in minutes with Open Source
Just a sneak preview of new functionalities we are including in Pentaho in order end user can create their own powerful dashboards in minutes. We call it STDashboard, by our colleagues of Stratebi. These new functionalities include: new templates, panel resize, drag and drop, remove and create panels, Pentaho 7 upgrade... As always and as other Pentaho plugins we´ve created (STPivot, STCard and STReport), they are free and included in all of...
Tutorial: Creacion de Dashboards con soluciones Open Source
Cada vez son más demandados los Cuadros de Mando y la buena noticia es que gran parte de ellos pueden hacerse con soluciones Open Source: Pentaho, CDE, dc.js... Como novedad, también puedes crearlos con StDashboard: How to create your own Dashboards in Pentaho Os incluimos las principales claves para construir potentes Cuadros de Mando, del Curso de creación de Dashboards Open Source: Si os ha interesado, podéis también: -...
12 aplicaciones gratuitas para crear Dashboards
Muchos de vosotros nos preguntáis sobre los Dashboards, que cada vez son mas demandados para soluciones de todo tipo: Business Intelligence, Real Time, Big Data, IoT, Direccion (EIS), etc... Os traemos una recopilación de 12 soluciones gratuitas para tener cuadros de mando, en algunos casos, además son open source y en otros puedes tenerlo en tus propios servidores sin depender del fabricante de software comercial, como veis hay algunos casos ClicData ...